We are not currently hiring
However, we cannot always predict when a position will become available. Please complete an application that we may keep on file for future openings.
Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver
You must be at least 23 years old with 1 year experience (Class A), hazardous materials endorsement, tanker endorsement and a good DMV record. Applications are available for download below or by calling (800) 229-1737. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
CMV Driver Employment Application
Other Positions
Soft Dimensions is a full service freight company employing personnel in many career fields. Our locations employ warehouse personnel, accountants, specialized billing, rates, dispatch and customer service personnel as well as sales and management. We strive to hire talented, experienced and driven personnel to help us maintain that cutting edge. Though we may not have a position open today, we encourage you to forward a resume for our files. Please mail to: 1465 E. Franklin Ave. Pomona, CA 91766 or fax to: (909) 865-1405, attention Human Resources. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.